السفير ابو سعيد:الأحداث في سوريا وكل الحركات الشعبية التي تشهدها في الآوانة الأ خيرة بشيران إلى أن مشهد 2011 عاد لكن بحلّة جديدة.

إن الأحداث في سوريا وكل الحركات الشعبية التي تشهدها في الآوانة الأ خيرة، بالإضافة إلى التحركات العسكرية في شمال نهر الفرات، والأعمال الإرهابية الرقة وبعض القرى في الشمال السوري، بشيران إلى أن مشهد ٠١١ عاد لكن بحلّة جديدة.

كلام السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد لس حقوق الإنسان إلى الأمم المتحدة في جنيف / معتمدة في الأمم المتحدة إ يكوسوك) لوكالة الأنباء الدولية لحقوق الإنسان حيث أشار أن المشهد الذ ي قد نكون أمامه وما ستكون عليه في المنطقة متغير عما ما كانت عليه، حيث اصطفاف الموجود بعد أحدا أوكرانيا وروسيا أوجب مقاربة جديدة و أدوات جديدة، ومن على الساحة السورية من ه ذا القبيل.

وأضاف ان المشهدية في الشرق الأوسط تتطلب دقة وجدية في المقاربة لوضع حلول جذرية تتخطى المخاطر الانسانية، إلا أننا لسنا متفائلين وقلقين مما يصلنا خصوصا التحضيرات العسكرية واللوجستية ولاعبين منهم قديم وأ ضيف عليه لاعبين جدد، مما قد يزيد في وجه الأزمة مزيداً من الانتهاكات التي قد تحصل إذا ما وقعت الواقعة.وما يزيد المشهد تعقيداً عدم تجاوب الدول المعنية لا Remove the water from the water. التي توجب كل الأطراف احترامها لأجل الإنسان الذي بات رهينة تهديدات ذ ات أوجه مختلفة.

وختم الدكتور ابو سعيد أن هناك دور سلبي لبعض رجال الدين الذين يحاول ون ركوب الموجات الفتنوية دون حساب أو رادع أخلاقي، وهذا يزيد المشهد أ كثر خطورة، حيث يمكن استغلال هذا المشهد من أجل تمرير المخططات التي ع انى منها وما زال الشعب السوري والشرق أوسطي نتيجة انقسامات ظاهرها مط لبي وباطنها جحيم فتاك.


The events in Syria and all the popular movements it has witnessed recently, in addition to the military movements north of the Euphrates and the terrorist acts in Raqqa and some villages in northern Syria, indicate that the scene of 2011 is returned, but in a new look.

The words of Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed (Director of the Agency and High Representative of the Human Rights Council to the United Nations in Geneva / accredited to the United Nations ECOSOC) to the International Agency of Press for Human Rights, where he indicated that the scene we might face and what it will be in the region is different from what it was. The existing alignment after Ukraine and Russia required a new approach and new tools, and from there we could see the entry of new elements of this good guy into the Syrian arena.

He added that the situation in the Middle East requires precision and seriousness in the approach aimed at developing radical solutions that go beyond humanitarian risks, but we are not optimistic and are concerned about what is happening to us, especially military and logistical preparations and actors. some of which are old and new players have been added, which could increase, in the face of the crisis, more violations that could occur if the incident did not occur. What further complicates the situation is the inability of the countries concerned to respond to the responses and calls of international committees and human rights committees in order to adhere to the standards that all parties are required to respect for the good of humanity,

Dr. Abu Saeed concluded that some clerics who try to ride the waves of sedition without accountability or moral deterrence have a negative role, which makes the scene more dangerous, because this scene can be exploited in order to push through the plans that threaten them. Syrian and Middle Eastern people have suffered and still suffer from the divisions that seem to be my demands and their interior is a deadly hell.


The events in Syria and all the popular movements that it has witnessed recently, in addition to the military movements north of the Euphrates River, and the terrorist acts in Raqqa and some villages in northern Syria, indicate that the scene of 2011 has returned, but in a new look.

The words of Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed (Director of the Agency and High Representative of the Human Rights Council to the United Nations in Geneva / accredited to the United Nations ECOSOC) to the International News Agency for Human Rights, where he indicated that the scene that we may be facing and what it will be like in the region is different from what it was, The existing alignment after Ukraine and Russia required a new approach and new tools, and from here we may see the entry of new elements of this kind into the Syrian arena.

He added that the scene in the Middle East requires precision and seriousness in the approach to develop radical solutions that go beyond humanitarian risks, but we are not optimistic and are concerned about what is happening to us, especially the military and logistical preparations and players, some of whom are old and new players have been added to them, which may increase in the face of the crisis more violations that may occur if The incident did not happen.

What further complicated the scene is the failure of the concerned countries to respond to the responses and calls of international and human rights committees in order to adhere to the standards that all parties are required to respect for the sake of humanity, which has become hostage to threats of various aspects.

Dr. Abu Saeed concluded that there is a negative role for some clerics who are trying to ride the waves of sedition without accountability or moral deterrent, and this makes the scene more dangerous, as this scene can be exploited in order to pass the plans that the Syrian and Middle Eastern people have suffered and are still suffering as a result of divisions that appear to be my demands. Its interior is a deadly hell.