WES proposed an Action Plan on Water Demand Management to the Ministry of Equipment and Water of Morocco

Since July 2020, the EU-funded project “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the Southern Neighborhood Region” has been supporting the Ministry of Equipment and Water of the Kingdom of Morocco as part of an activity that articulates on the management of water demand linked to water scarcity, in order to meet the high water demands that are expected to increase further in the future, in particular under the effect of climate change, and with a view to improving water demand management (WDM) within the framework of specific uses, namely domestic, public and tourist uses.


In July 2022, in Rabat, the WES team of water experts organized, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Hydraulics, the first Consultation Workshop on the conclusions of the first part of the activity with the participation of representatives of several institutions related to the theme studied. Thus, the results of the assessment of the inventory of water demand in Morocco and the diagnosis of the situation were presented.


Just a few days ago, on July 13, 2023, a second WES Consultation Workshop was organized in a hybrid format, during which a reference framework for water use in Morocco and the water audit guide were presented, in addition to the recommendations and the proposed action plan aimed at anticipating WDM in the country in the short, medium and long term.


Mr. Abdelaziz ZEROUALI, WES Water Focal Point in Morocco and Director of Research and Planning of the Ministry of Water stressed the importance of this activity to support the management of water demand in Morocco and its rational use. through the discussion between the partners of the recommendations proposed by the experts and the work plan for their implementation.


Twenty nine representatives from the ministerial departments responsible for the Interior, Water, National Education, the National Office for Electricity and Drinking Water and other water distribution operators, hydraulic basin agencies, other institutions, and a representative of the Delegation of the European Union in Morocco, were introduced to the tools and guidelines for improving the knowledge of the levels of water use efficiency in the uses concerned in Morocco and the quantification of water consumption, the long-term water audit system, and various water-saving techniques.


The participants validated the multi-sectoral action plan to advance the integration of sectoral policies with WDM in Morocco, as presented by the WES water experts and they exchanged valuable information and “experiences” on other relevant activities in the country.




For more information, please contact:

Lisa Papadogeorgaki, WES Key Expert Communication and networking                        lpa@ldk.gr




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The Water and Environment Support project in the Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood aims to protecting the environment and improving the management of scarce water resources in the Mediterranean region. It will tackle problems related to pollution prevention and water use efficiency. WES is a regional project with emphasis on the countries of North Africa and the Middle East (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia).


This press release was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the WES Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.