“Moments of Being” Art Exhibition Showcases Syrian Artists in Beirut

The UK Office for Syria (UKOS) in partnership with The British Council organised a joint art exhibition in Beirut.  “Moments of Being”, a multimedia art exhibition featuring the works of 12 talented Syrian artists, is taking place at the Matossian Gallery, Haigazian University, Beirut, from September 7th to September 15th, 2023, between 10 am and 5 pm daily, excluding weekends.


“Moments of Being” invites visitors to embark on a visual journey that explores the intricate interplay of hope, identity, and cultural resurgence after conflicts. This exhibition presents Syrian artists not as fixed entities but as beings capable of transcending current limitations and actively shaping their future.


The exhibition will showcase a diverse range of mediums, including paintings, photography, food performance, textiles, photography, and sculptures. Each artist brings a unique perspective to the theme, inspiring hope for Syria’s future, its potential, and its people.


The curator’s statement reflects the essence of “Moments of Being” as a tribute to the resilience of the Syrian people and their ability to find beauty and hope in everyday life, even in the face of adversity. The exhibition invites viewers to rediscover the ordinary and explore the depths of identity and belonging within it.


Featured Artists:


  1. Azza Abou Rebieh
  2. Ghalia Alkalaji
  3. Elias Ayoub
  4. Hasan Belal
  5. Rita Hassouany
  6. Mohamad Khayata
  7. Heather Kayed
  8. Sara Kontar
  9. Studio Kunukku
  10. Randa Maddah
  11. Stephany Sanossian
  12. Youssef Youssef



Opening Reception:


The exhibition officially opens its doors to the public on Friday September 8. On Thursday September 7, the exhibition was inaugurated in the presence of the UK Syria Special Representative, Ms. Ann Snow, and many other representatives of the diplomatic community, international and local media, and Syrian civil society actors and activists.


“We are proud to host this art exhibition in Beirut. Each and every piece of art showcased here today is a tribute to Syrian culture, heritage, and identity. Every artists here today paints a brighter future for Syria, albeit with a solemn brush,” said Ms. Snow, the UK Syria Special Representative.


Ms. Mira Yardemian, Public Relations Director at Haigazian Universirty, said in her speech at the opening of the exhbition: “Always driven by Haigazian University’s motto, ‘truth, freedom and service’, tonight we are experiencing the “truth” through the eyes and creations of 12 Syrian prominent artists. Haigazian University expresses its gratitude for this unique collaboration with the UK Office for Syria in partnership with The British Council.”


The public opening of “Moments of Being” is taking place on September 8th, 2023, at the Matossian Gallery, Haigazian University, from 7 pm to 9 pm. This reception offers a unique opportunity to meet the artists and engage in meaningful conversations about their works.


We invite the media, art enthusiasts, and the community to join us in celebrating the talent and resilience of Syrian artists at “Moments of Being.” Admission to the exhibition is free, and it is an initiative that not only promotes art and culture but also fosters hope for Syria’s future and its future generations.



Tara Bizri:   tara.bizri@fcdo.gov.uk


Lyn Dabbous: lyndabbous@gmail.com