WES Information Bulletin 19.06.2023: “Joint initiative for the implementation of the pet bottle packaging management in Morocco”

From April 2021 to February 2023, the Water and Environment Support (WES) project in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region, financed by the EU, offered technical support to the Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) in the Moroccan Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development. This technical assistance focused on promoting Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for managing PET bottle waste. To do this, experts have drawn up an assessment and proposed a roadmap.

The discussions with stakeholders throughout this activity were very constructive, particularly during the steering committee meetings. As planned, a framework agreement was proposed for further work concerning the implementation of an EPR scheme.

This national activity from WES was put in place with the support and services of MedWaves, the Mediterranean Action Plan from the United Nations Environment Programme and the Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (ACR+).


Methodology and Implementation


This activity was carried out according to a progressive approach and covers the following tasks:

  1. the activity kick-off meeting on 28 April 2021 (online);
  2. diagnosing the assessment and evaluating the previous initiatives;
  3. setting up the steering committee as well as coordination and follow-up meetings:
    1. 1stmeeting: 2 July 2021 (online), presenting the activity and preliminary consultation;
    2. 2nd meeting: 2 December 2021 (online), presenting and discussing the assessment;
    3. 3rd meeting: 30 March 2022 (in Casablanca), in the context of a reflection workshop on the structuring of EPR for the PET bottle sector;
    4. 4th meeting: 10 January 2023 (online), presenting and discussing the roadmap;
  4. organising a reflection workshop on the structuring of the EPR for the PET bottle sector on 30 March 2022 in Casablanca;
  5. creating a roadmap and a framework agreement for the implementation of EPR for the PET bottle sector in Morocco.



Main Outcomes


Three main deliverables have been formulated, namely:

  1. diagnosis of the assessment and evaluation of the previous initiatives;
  2. proposal of a roadmap for the implementation of PET bottle packaging management in the context of EPR in Morocco;
  3. voluntary framework agreement for the implementation of PET bottle packaging management in the context of EPR in Morocco.



The Department for Sustainable Development (DSD) under the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has coordinated this activity in close cooperation with most of the stakeholders, who met regularly in the context of the steering committee that was set up for this purpose.

  1. One of the most significant outcomes is maintaining a dialogue and consultation throughout the process between the public administration and the private sector, which should be consolidated soon, as indicated in the roadmap.
  2. One of the most important observations was the need to include all packaging in an EPR model and not just PET drink bottles, which was the focus of the WES project. Even if the roadmap focuses only on PET bottles, the DSD is committed to widening the process to all packaging, particularly by launching a socio-economic study relating to the use of EPR on all packaging in the near future, which should be based on the results of WES’ work and take it as a starting point. The roadmap that was presented will allow a greater understanding and grasp of the elements and steps to take into consideration for all packaging.
  3. The advantages of implementing EPR are as important for the government as for the private sector. At state level, law 28-00 is still being revised, where the principle of EPR must be included for further implementation. The need for communication and local authority capacity building has been highlighted so that they can properly play their role in an eventual implementation of EPR.
  4. As for the private sector, the recycling sector requested better plastic waste collection in order to access more plastic waste, given that recycling capacity currently exceeds the quantities collected (which is an advantage for upgrading the sector).
  5. Drinks companies (and, more widely, agri-food companies) have indicated their agreement to the implementation of EPR for packaging and have started several voluntary initiatives that are currently being implemented, which could be a starting point for mandatory EPR.



Useful Link





WES Project


The EU funded Water and Environment Support (WES) is a regional project designed to contribute to the implementation of an integrated approach to pollution reduction and prevention, in line with the Union for the Mediterranean agendas and the Barcelona Convention. WES is also meant to contribute to a more efficient management of scarce water resources in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region.

The project aims to do so by increasing the capacity of stakeholders that are involved in pollution reduction and water management and support them in formulating and implementing the environmental and water policies.

WES supports the shift to a more sustainable consumption and production model, promotes an integrated and efficient management of water, combats plastic pollution and marine litter and fosters dialogue on key environmental and sustainable development issues. In this way, WES also supports mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace in the region.


For any further information on WES project, please visit:   www.wes-med.eu


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This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the WES Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.